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Fenway Institute Glossary of LGBT Terms for Health Care Teams

This glossary may be helpful for those unfamiliar with language around LGBT+ identities.

SGM Conference Calendar

Check out and add this Google calendar for SGM conferences near you!

UCSF Terminology and definitions

John Hopkins Glossary

These succinct terminology lists from UCSF and John Hopkins can be useful for those who have had less exposure to language describing gender identity and transgender patients. 

AAMC’s Implementing Curricular and Institutional Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for Individuals Who Are LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, or Born with DSD: A Resoource for Medical Educators

This resource covers a lot of ground, and can be a useful tool for both educational sessions and in advocacy work. It outlines relevant terminology, the history of health disparities in the LGBT+ communities (Chapter 1), and the important role of health providers in addressing those disparities (Chapter 2). It also specifically tackles medical school curricula in addressing LGBT+ competency (Chapter 4) and providers various clinical case scenarios for discussion, with questions to lead those discussion (Chapter 5).

WPATH Standards of Care

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health promotes the highest standards of health care for individuals through the articulation of Standards of Care (SOC) for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People. The SOC are based on the best available science and expert professional consensus.

UCSF Transgender Care Guidelines

Comprehensive guidelines for the primary and gender-affirming care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People.

Fenway Health: The Medical Care of Transgender Persons

Fenway Health: Transgender Care

The webinars, publications, and other training found here are aimed at health care providers and other staff at health care organizations to help provide quality, inclusive, and welcoming care to transgender people.

National Coalition for Sexual Health: Compendium of Sexual & Reproductive Health Resources for Healthcare Providers

This compendium includes a wide variety of resources across sexual and reproductive health, including webinars, toolkits, skill-building tools, curricula and more. There is an “LGBT and Gender Nonconforming People” resource section.

Pronouns for Providers

This short and concise PDF is a quick and simple introduction to educate healthcare professionals on how to effectively ask for and use the appropriate pronouns for their patients.

PFSA Pronoun Booklet

This is a short PDF (with fun photos that would look great as handouts/posters) explaining pronoun basics and how to ask for someone’s pronouns.

Gender Inclusivity Sheet

This is a one page PDF giving examples of how to greet people with gender-neutral language.

OutCare National LGBTQ+ Curriculum Marketing Toolkit

This is a set of resources (email templates, flyers, sample social posts, and graphics) to help promote a LGBTQ+ curriculum to medical schools and training programs.