Statement to our transgender family and youth
June 4, 2021

 To all our transgender and gender-nonconforming brothers, sisters, and siblings, we see you. 

I do not know who you are, and there is no way for me to appear in front of you to tell you this, but I love you. I have the power of education, typing, and the computer in front of me. So these are the tools I will use to hopefully get my message to you. When I see people use hatred, even with the excuse of religion or safety, to inform decisions to impact others, I want to let you know, it is not because of you. YOU are perfect just the way you are, YOU are beautiful, brave, strong, smart, and wise. 

We shall not die here, we shall rise above and become stronger. Right now it may be hard to see the end of the fight, but right now history is being written. The stronger we stand together, the stronger we fight back; by protesting, showing up, calling our local legislators, running for office, having a voice, and taking a stand. Being who you are is all you can do. Being who I am is all I can do. 

I do not know who you are. I do not know if you are non-binary, gender fluid, intersex, trans-male, trans-masc, trans-female, trans-femme, or fall under the trans* spectrum in another way. I may never see you, hug you, or cry with you, but know I love you. I hope someday these laws will be far behind us, and trans* people have the same rights as everyone else in this country. I hope the country turns to see how we exist, not as a threat, but as a fellow human. Till that day comes, know we are here for you. I wish I could hug you. We see you, we love you, you are not alone.

Your friend,
Oak Sonfist
Pronouns: they/them
Co-Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice
Medical Student Pride Alliance